Hamster diseases - Cuterebra fly |
Julie with a story about her mouse Archie and a parasitic insect known as the Cuterebra fly. At the time I'd never heard of this parasite. Recently I've received information about another mouse that was infected ... |
Housing a hamster, cage furnishings |
You may opt for a basic cage which is sold in pet shops whose design consists of a plastic base and rigid wire top. These cages come in a lot of shapes and sizes and are easy to clean. Cedar Shavings can cause the hamster allergic reactions. |
Caring for Your Guinea Pig |
Today's domesticated guinea pig is viewed by many as an "easy" pet for children. Many parents select a guinea pig as a first pet for their child, believing a small pet needs only a small amount of care. |
Hamster Babies |
One cant just take his eyes off hamster pups, as these tiny cute little creatures will sure have your attention. The small fragile babies are born without any fur and are closely attached to their mother. |
Miniature pet pigs |
Mini-Pigs are clean, social and very intelligent and they even outsmart a dog. Mini-Pigs will come to their name, learn tricks and they are very loving. |
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